
Palace Throws Prince William AND Princess Kate Under The Bus

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Palace Throws Prince William AND Princess Kate Under The Bus

British royal family news shows that the clan received kudos for its first year navigating the shark infested media waters without the steadying hand of Queen Elizabeth who died September 8, 2022.

That was the calm before the storm; 2024 has turned out to be a rat’s nest of intrigue, accusations, and conspiracy theories.

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And the most gobsmacking part is that Prince William and Princess Kate are the main characters in the tabloid storm, not ratty Harry and Meghan. Here’s what to know as the life-death narrative around Kate evolves by the hour.

Royal News – Is Kate Alive?

Kate Middleton underwent abdominal surgery in January, at which time the palace announced she would convalesce until after Easter.

Palace Throws Prince William AND Princess Kate Under The Bus

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All was good, well wishes were the order of the day. Then the public got antsy but the palace got obstinate.

Finally, after 70 days of silence and invisibility Kate was photographed last week, a shadowy passenger in a car driven by her mother, Carole Middleton.

The beast that is the public was sated. Until the palace ruined its clumsy PR move with an outlandish, outrageous coverup that didn’t cover enough.

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On Mother’s Day they released a picture of the future queen surrounded by three cherubs. It’s hardly akin to Harry’s naked Vegas pool boy pic so what went wrong?

Royal Family – Why Is the Palace Covering Up Stuff?
A wonky photo released Sunday “by the palace of Kate and her three children, supposedly taken by William” has caused things to get “has gotten very, very weird, ever more by the day.”

According to Slate, “an Instagram post went up on William and Kate’s official page, for Mother’s Day … they’re all beaming in a way that suggests that nobody is dead or divorced.”

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Except that Kate’s wedding ring was missing. The palace hacks are amateurs. Or, the team was sent in a trojan horse by the Markles.

Royal Family News – The Markles Are Behind Kate’s Photo?
The ish hit the fan within minutes as fans noticed a crude visual of the kind generated by AI or Photoshop. Then they noticed more. And more. Then the big guns got involved and now it’s the wild west at the not-ok palace.

Here’s what’s been noticed about the picture: “The inexplicable blurriness of Kate’s hair and one of her hands, tiles not matching up on the floor beneath their feet, a truly hatchet bit of photoshopping around Princess Charlotte’s sleeve … her (Kate’s) face being switched in it.”

In a remarkable move, at around 10:30 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time on Sunday, Reuters, Getty, and the Associated Press “killed” the pic with AP stating “At closer inspection it appears that the source has manipulated the image.”

A day later and a dollar short, On Monday the palace threw William and Kate under the bus, blaming the former for taking the pic and the latter for editing it. Truly astonishing. This is the kind of sloppy, shameful blaming expected from the Montecito traitors.

Tell us royal fans, what do you make of this royal inferno, the Kate-gate photo fail?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Simev / Shutterstock.com

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