royals family

The Dark Side Of Princess Life, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, And Diana’s Public Torture

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The Dark Side Of Princess Life, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, And Diana’s Public Torture

British royal family news shows that Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, and the late Diana all married into a mythic fairytale when they said “I Do” to their Prince Charmings.

Sadly each has encountered the dark side of being royal: intense scrutiny, unbridled drama, and nasty trolls. Why does it seem that there is no “happily ever after” for modern British princesses?

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Royal News – A Dark Fairytale

Youthful and beautiful, Diana, Kate, and Meghan all brought a certain allure to a monarchy associated with stuffed shirts and pudding head palace aides.

The Dark Side Of Princess Life, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, and Diana's Public Torture

Royal commentator Kristen Meinzer summed up the princess experience: “People love the idea of a fairy tale being a real thing. They love that idea of a girl just being plucked from obscurity and being chosen by someone who could have his pick of the litter. He could date anyone he wanted, he could marry anybody, but he chose her.”

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All three princesses boosted the monarchy’s popularity; Diana and Charles’ wedding was watched by 750 million people worldwide.

Royal Family News – Kate’s Photo-gate

But Kate’s recent Photo-gate fiasco exposed the ugly truth about the fairytale: Princesses are expected to be perfect. And when they aren’t furious fans turn on them.

Royal Family News – Princess Catherine’s Royal Drama

Even before the public and media attacked Kate for choosing to recuperate from a major operation in January in private, the press had a field day mocking her as Waity Katey.

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There’s no doubt that marrying into the royal clan comes with stupendous benefits as the monarchy is estimated to be worth $28 billion. But what price has Kate paid to live every little girl’s dream?

Royal Family News – Princess Catherine’s Abdominal Operation

Last month weeks of ugly rumors about Kate’s health (celebs mocked her online, some speculating that she was dead) came to a head when she announced that she is battling cancer and receiving preventative chemotherapy.

Kate has three kids, a husband, a senior royal job, and now she must battle cancer publicly. No one deserves this kind of treatment no matter their status or lack thereof.

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The fever pitch around Kate’s situation exploded when the AP took the extraordinary step of slamming Kate’s Mother’s Day picture as “altered.” Only when Kate took the blame for editing the photo, and announced her cancer diagnosis the following week, did the hyenas stop howling (some of them, not all).

Tell us royal fans, do you think that Kate is reconsidering the glittery life she signed up for? Do you think that she will be allowed to have a “happily ever after?”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Royal Family News – Princess Catherine’s Royal Drama

Even before the public and media attacked Kate for choosing to recuperate from a major operation in January in private, the press had a field day mocking her as Waity Katey.

There’s no doubt that marrying into the royal clan comes with stupendous benefits as the monarchy is estimated to be worth $28 billion. But what price has Kate paid to live every little girl’s dream?

Royal Family News – Princess Catherine’s Abdominal Operation

Last month weeks of ugly rumors about Kate’s health (celebs mocked her online, some speculating that she was dead) came to a head when she announced that she is battling cancer and receiving preventative chemotherapy.

Kate has three kids, a husband, a senior royal job, and now she must battle cancer publicly. No one deserves this kind of treatment no matter their status or lack thereof.

The fever pitch around Kate’s situation exploded when the AP took the extraordinary step of slamming Kate’s Mother’s Day picture as “altered.” Only when Kate took the blame for editing the photo, and announced her cancer diagnosis the following week, did the hyenas stop howling (some of them, not all).

Tell us royal fans, do you think that Kate is reconsidering the glittery life she signed up for? Do you think that she will be allowed to have a “happily ever after?”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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