royals family


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Now with not many days left to celebrate Christmas, the family of the Prince and Princess of Wales are making more and more public appearances. We’ve already seen photos of William, Prince of Wales, his wife Catherine, Princess of Wales, and their three children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – at a recent Christmas concert at Westminster Abbey. Also recently, the Princess of Wales, along with her three children, wrapped Christmas presents for children from needy families, and the Prince of Wales helped sell issues of magazines for charity. All members of the family look so enthusiastic and energetic. Princess Catherine is also showing determination and confidence.

For example, not long ago Her Highness made a solo visit to London’s Evelina Children’s Hospital. Despite the fact that at that moment she was without her husband, many fans noted that the Princess of Wales was very confident and determined, and some compared her behaviour to what Princess Diana once did.

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Body language and gesture expert Judy James agrees with this comparison, because if you look at the gait, posture, interaction with people, you can see some similarities between Princess Catherine and Princess Diana. The expert stated that the current Princess of Wales draws on the strength of her late mother-in-law and uses her personal skills in her behaviour.

As Judy James observed, Her Highness approached the hospital with a confident gait and her arms at her sides, creating an image of determination, steadfastness, excluding drama. She was not holding a clutch that could create a barrier to communication, and the trouser suit looks practical and businesslike. The only time she raises her hand is a subliminal gesture to show off her wedding ring, which previously belonged to Diana. Catherine is definitely open to socialising with people and is filled with a determination to help them.

The expert noted that the future Queen of the United Kingdom tries to be close to people and uses light hugs and touches, which is very similar to how Diana behaved. When Catherine said hello to two little girls during her visit, her body language showed complete immersion in the situation and interest in the picture that one of the girls showed. This approach of the Princess of Wales is very genuine and she spends a great deal of time encouraging and listening to other people.

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The expert also noted that during the event, Catherine, Princess of Wales did not even try to hide behind her beautiful hairstyle. While interacting with people, the Princess tucked her hair behind her ear in time, showing that she was not afraid of anything and was confident enough.

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When the Duchess of Cambridge unwraps her birthday presents this weekend, you can be sure she won’t be opening up a new pair of binoculars. In fact, she still laughs about the time Prince William gifted her the practical present during the early days of their courtship. What most people don’t know is that Kate got him back by buying William a pair of brogues which had the future king in fits of giggles. I was told this charming anecdote by one of their friends for my book Kate: The Future Queen and remember thinking it would be great to see more of this fun side to Kate.

The pair of engagements highlight the generational shift happening when it comes to senior royals and their involvement with charity. For more than a century, royals have typically partnered with a wide array of charities and nonprofits with the hope that their patronage would help organizations raise money from other citizens. But recently, research has called that assumption into doubt, and a 2020 study by charity effectiveness group Giving Evidence found that regions with a disproportionate number of royal-patronized charities don’t seem to donate at higher rates.

In the 14 months since the death of Queen Elizabeth II, William and Kate have been growing into their roles as the Prince and Princess of Wales while still balancing their duties as parents to Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Louis, and necessary support to the king. So far, it has meant establishing a calendar of annual events, like the Earthshot Prize and Kate’s Christmas pageant, and being sure to point out the connections between their broader areas of concert. William displayed the compatibility of his interest in climate change and conservation earlier this month, when he included his annual summit for anti-poaching charity Unite For Wildlife on the agenda of his Singapore trip for the Earthshot Prize ceremony.

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On Wednesday, Kate made an even more ambitious attempt to define the couple’s core philosophy when she compared her interest in the development of young children to efforts to improve the environment. “It isn’t enough therefore to simply wish for a better world. We must acknowledge and address the root cause of some of today’s toughest social challenges and work together to find better answers,” she said. “Because ultimately, we are all part of a delicate, interconnected ecosystem and just as we need to restore, protect and invest in our planet, so we must restore, protect, and invest in our societies, communities, relationships, and ourselves.”

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