royals family

Heartwarming Moment Prince William Surprises Mum on Charity Walk

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Sweet moment Prince William surprises mental health campaigner on charity walk

The Prince of Wales appeared out of nowhere to join mental health campaigner and mum Emma Webb on her 160-mile sponsored walk.

Prince William smiling

Prince William surprised a mental health campaigner (Image: Facebook/emma.webb.359)

Prince William was spotted in Slough today where he surprised a mental health campaigner during a charity walk to raise awareness about suicide.

The Prince of Wales gave Emma Webb the shock of her life when he appeared behind her on day 13 of her 160-mile sponsored walk. The campaign is very close to Emma’s heart as it’s dedicated to her daughter Brodie, who took her own life at the age 16 to suicide in March 2020.

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The campaigner took to social media to share her surprise and post the video of the heartwarming encounter. In the video, William appears out of nowhere as Emma is seen pulling a life-size horse – Brodie was a horse lover – along a pavement near Slough.

The campaigner can be seen with a group of friends as they stand along a street, ready to take photos to commemorate day 13 of their fundraising walk.

The future King, dressed in a khaki-coloured jacket, smart blue trousers and brown leather lace-up shoes, was spotted moving towards them, picking up his pace.

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As soon as Emma realised who it was, she paused momentarily before shrieking in disbelief. The royal embraced her before she told him: “You surprised me there”. The Prince of Wales introduced himself to Emma’s friends.

Taking to her Facebook page, Emma wrote: “So day 13 and this happened. How very, very kind and supportive. Keep watching for the biggest surprise”.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are known for their ongoing support of mental health and for campaigning heavily on the topic throughout their royal careers.

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The campaigner has so far raised £30,000 for the trek to honour her daughter. Mother and daughter would make an annual trip to the London International Horse Show so this year, Emma decided to raise money by walking from Brodie’s favourite showground, the David Broome Event Centre, in Chepstow, to the International Horse Show’s venue at the ExCel Centre in London.

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