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Prince William Forever Sees Harry As A Traitor, Unfaithful To Royal Family

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Prince William Forever Sees Harry As A Traitor, Unfaithful To Royal Family

Prince William will always see his brother Harry as the traitor. He feels that he was unfaithful to the British Royal Family. The brothers reportedly have no plans to reconcile their relationship anytime soon.

Piers Morgan Shares Insight Into BRF

Piers Morgan is a British reporter who’s also an outspoken critic of Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. He feels that William sees them as traitors who are unfaithful to the family. He shared his thoughts on the status of Harry’s relationsip with his brother.

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Harry and Meghan stepped down from their royal duties in March 2020. Earlier that year, they announced they were embarking in a different career.

Prince William Forever Sees Harry As A Traitor, Unfaithful To Royal Family

Their endeavors are still up in the air to this day. Meghan and Harry have been quietly raising their two children in California.

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Earlier this month, Harry rushed to his father King Charles III’s side amid the news of his cancer diagnosis. He spent a total of 24 hours in England. Harry didn’t speak with William during that time. He’s only focused on repairing his relationship with his father.

Piers Morgan didn’t hold back on his feelings about this meeting. He called Harry a “traitor” who will never been seen as a “faithful.” No, he wasn’t talking about the Peacock hit reality series Traitors.

He was focused on Harry’s situation with the royal family. Piers feels there is no way for Harry to return to the royal family. He would have to get approval from his brother first.

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Harry Won’t Be Re-Accepted To Royal Family

In his op-ed with Sky News Australia, Piers Morgan noted the way that Harry has behaved over the years. He feels that it’s “traitor” behavior, similar to Benedict Arnold.

In this case, Harry was the one who betrayed the British Royal Family so he could live a new life with his wife.

Piers feels that King Charles has “more important things to worry about — like his health — than the bruised feelings of his errant runaway son.” He mused that William feels his brother is a “despicable traitor” who went against the familiy.

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In his lengthy piece, Piers noted moments throughout the years, which included the deaths of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, Harry and Meghan’s exit, Kate’s mysterious abdominal surgery, and Charles’ cancer diagnosis.

Harry And Meghan Left The Family At A Vulnerable And Turbulent Time, This Caused A Rift Between Harry and His Brother.

“It’s left the whole family reeling on both a personal and professional level, and the future of the monarchy looking increasingly fragile,” Piers noted about these major events. “And right at the heart of this fragility lies the raging, intractable feud between William and Harry.”

What are your thoughts? Do you think Harry will be re-accepted by the royal family? Do you agree with Piers Morgan that Harry is a traitor?

Let us know what you think in the comments below and keep checking back here for more Royal Family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Frederic Legrand – COMEO /

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