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Kate Middleton Desperate To Leave The Royal Family Like Meghan Markle

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Kate Middleton Desperate To Leave The Royal Family Like Meghan Markle

No one can blame her for feeling the way that she does. There’s a new report that suggests Kate Middleton wishes that she could have pulled a Meghan Markle and Megxited her way out of the royal family when she still had the chance. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Kate Middleton – Desperate To Leave The Royal Family Like Meghan Markle

The Princess of Wales is devastated that there seems to be very few people behind closed palace doors that are willing to defend her in her photoshop scandal.

As many royal fans know by now, Kate Middleton has admitted to photoshopping her Mother’s Day photo with her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis so much so that some people think it’s an AI image.

Kate Middleton Desperate To Leave The Royal Family Like Meghan Markle

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While Prince William supposedly took the photo, it’s Kate who was forced to admit that she was the one who edited the image.

And now one source close to the situation says that the future queen of England has had enough of all the royal drama in her life and that she wants out.

Speaking about Meghan Markle’s own experience leaving the royal family, the insider said, “Breaking away from the Royals four years ago was messy for her, ugly for Harry and painful for both their families. But every time she switches on a TV and watches the feeding frenzy around Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Sussex must breathe a sigh of relief.”

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What’s Next For The Princess Of Wales?
The tipster added, “Every time Meghan sees the internet explode over Kate’s health and the state of her marriage she must surely be thankful that she and her husband trusted their ¬judgment and went it alone.

As the UK goes full Katespiracy over THAT doctored Mother’s Day photo, Meghan must feel even more vindicated. Yes, the image that prompted four of the world’s biggest photo agencies to recall it raises more questions than answers.

The pressure on Kensington Palace to provide more detail on Kate must leave even the Princess wishing she’d taken the Meghan route to preserving her sanity.”

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Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about the British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

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