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Rumor Alert: Princess Kate Is Currently “Detoxing?”

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Rumor Alert: Princess Kate Is Currently “Detoxing?”

The last time that Kate Middleton was scene in public was back on December 28th and of course, everyone is curious as to what is going on behind closed doors.

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While the palace has assured everyone that the Princess of Wales is doing fine in her recovery after her supposed abdominal surgery, some critics think there’s more to the story. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Rumor Alert: Kate Middleton Is Currently “Detoxing?”

Is Kate Middleton detoxing from her royal life? That’s what a lot of royals can’t help but ask. Apparently, some think that she might be in rehab or that she might just be exhausted from all to work and needed an emotional break.

Rumor Alert: Kate Middleton Is Currently “Detoxing?”

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Either way, critics can’t help but wonder why the British tabloid media is being so secretive about it all, seeing how they would have printed a Meghan Markle rehab story almost right away.

That said, Kate Middleton is not expected to make a public appearance until well after Easter, if at all.

Of course, many royal fans and critics have taken to X to comment on the matter with, “I hate to think that William could do her any physical harm.

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This house of cards is coming down, and somebody official should have the guts to explain it,” along with, “My worst guess is that there are death threats constantly and her digestive system gave out. Maybe a nervous breakdown. Maybe otherwise. She needs a break and not til Easter will we know for certain, so prepare for a long 5 weeks.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Kate Middleton?

Another critic wrote, “Seriously the speculations is crazy. It was announced that she wouldn’t be back until after Easter. She dated him for 10 yrs before marrying.

The out of nowhere abuse and addiction speculation is only sharing how much others want to believe horrible things without merit.”

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So far Buckingham Palace has made no comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

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